Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Small Group January 20th

- Small group this Sunday will be at our house @ 6:00 pm. I'll be dominating the main course (Mexican Casserole) while donning the apron and chef's hat, as Kate will be out of town not doing anything. Please sign-up for what you want to bring:

1. Drinks
2. Paper Goods (Plates/Cups/Forks)
3. Chips
4. Side Dish
5. Side Dish
6. Dessert
7. Anything else you can think of??

>>Read Chad's Post below and get back to him with any ideas that you may have!!


Kara said...

we will bring enough chips for everyone.
The Sheets

Kara said...

are you sure you don't want to fry some fish for small group?

Nicole said...

We will bring all the paper goods. Straders

Summer said...

we'll bring a side dish-- probably Mexican rice.

Amanda said...

We'll bring drinks for all.
Amanda S.

Anonymous said...

We'll bring Derran's salsa, can't wait to see everyone!

Shelly said...

The Sanders will take bring a dessert. See ya then!

Kate said...

Mexican Fish, Kara! Cheap and usually smelly!!